The biggest seller of electric cars in Spain is the Chinese: last year there were 30,000

Chinese brands are making their way into the electric gap MG, the new head of sales in 2023 The best-selling electric car costs €15,000 on average In a surprising turn of the automotive scene, electric vehicles from China have reached a major milestone by displacing renowned traditional brands such as Renault and Peugeot About the … Read more

What will become more expensive in 2024? Know these keys to saving in the new year

In the run-up to 2024 with challenging economic projections, it is essential to prepare for financial changes. In anticipation of this scenario, here are practical keys to maintaining financial balance without sacrificing quality of life. First, creating a solid budget is the cornerstone of any savings strategy. Digital tools enable detailed tracking of income and … Read more

A strategic financial plan for the end of the year and a successful start of the new one

There are only a few days left to say goodbye to 2023 and start the new year with every intention of meeting the proposed goals. Especially the ones that require moneywhether it’s getting out of debt, buying a house, starting collegetake a trip or just learn it Impose. However, these goals can be difficult to … Read more

Short trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: DAX ends the last trading day of the year higher

The last, abbreviated trading day of the strong equity year 2023, closed the leading German DAX index in positive territory. The DAX closed the last trading day of the year at 16,751.64 points, or 0.3 percent higher. It gained slightly at the opening and then continued to gain, but without major fluctuations. XETRA trading ended … Read more

How do investment banks view the record election year 2024?

VEDAT ÖZDAN In 2023, we witnessed the highest inflation and tightening of monetary policy in the last 40 years. Although easing slightly compared to 2023, 2024 will be a year in which financial conditions remain tight, global growth slows, and national politics and global geopolitics continue to decline. According to The Center for American Progress, … Read more

Bodosaki Foundation: Inauguration of Scholarship Programs for 52nd Year

The application period for the triptych Programs for master’s and doctoral studies, for postdoctoral research and for visiting researchers has begun. Machine learning and artificial intelligence, biomedical technology and life science informatics, quantum engineering and energy technology, regenerative medicine and other cutting-edge scientific disciplines coexist with more than 20 other field options at her new … Read more

ASUS selects ten technologies that will mark the year 2024 and the future of the industry and people

The rapid development of the technological landscape is shaping a an increasingly innovative and disruptive future. Advances are constant, and emerging trends take on meaning almost instantly, changing the way we live, work and communicate. In this context, experts from ASUS They predict the year 2024, in which it will be necessary to consolidate certain … Read more

End of the year: 5 steps to take stock of personal finances

With the end of the year approaching, it’s a good time to thoroughly evaluate your personal finances. Reflecting on financial achievements, detailed knowledge of financial management and identifying areas for improvement will allow you to have a clearer picture of the current situation and better project yourself into the next year. “The financial balance sheet … Read more

Year of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Noemí G. Gómez | Madrid (EFE).- The words “intelligence” and “artificial” were first linked in the 1950s, and although great progress has been made since then, the real boom has only now occurred. 2023 was the year of “everyday” artificial intelligence, which still has a number of problems: protection of minors, privacy, misinformation or prejudice. … Read more

Maquila: Exports reach USD 924 million and estimate up to 20% growth for next year – MarketData

According to data from the National Council of Maquiladora Export Industries (CNIME) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), maquila shipments have already reached a total of US$924 million at the end of November 2023. The document also highlights that 81% of the products exported by maquiladora industries are concentrated in five sectors, the … Read more

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