According to artificial intelligence, what professions will be most in demand in 2024

Careers related to technology, cyber security, big data and software developers are the most prominent. Read about each one and why AI thinks these professionals will have the job.

According to artificial intelligence, what professions will be most in demand in 2024

Cyber ​​Security Specialists

With the increase in data and digitization, cyber security is already a priority, and professionals in this field must not only be skilled in detecting and preventing attacks, but must be aware of the ever-evolving regulations and laws.

Data managers and Big Data analysts

Companies will need professionals who know how to collect, analyze and transform large amounts of data into information to improve operations and make strategic decisions.

Specialists in renewable energy sources

The fight against climate change and the transition to a green economy are already driving the demand for clean and sustainable energy experts.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning engineering

The continuous advancement of artificial intelligence has revolutionized various industries, from healthcare to logistics. Therefore, AI engineers and data scientists will be essential in developing and maintaining intelligent systems and algorithms that drive automation and data-driven decision making.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Experts

The need for professionals who can address ethical and privacy issues is becoming critical in the world of artificial intelligence. Ethical AI will play a key role in responsible decisions in advanced technologies.

Software developers

Software developers are responsible for creating and maintaining applications and software. Demand for these professionals will continue to grow.

Blockchain application developers

This technology is transforming finance, supply chain and other industries. Application developers of this nature, experts in security and governance, will be in high demand in the decentralized economy.

Automation and robotics professionals

Both continue to transform manufacturing, logistics and customer service. Both engineers and technicians specializing in automation and robotics will be essential in the implementation and maintenance of systems.

Professionals on autonomous vehicle systems

The industry continues to evolve and is expected to see significant growth in 2024. Engineers, software developers and experts in autonomous driving systems will be essential to the development.

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