According to artificial intelligence, what professions will be most in demand in 2024

Careers related to technology, cyber security, big data and software developers are the most prominent. Read about each one and why AI thinks these professionals will have the job. According to artificial intelligence, what professions will be most in demand in 2024 Cyber ​​Security Specialists With the increase in data and digitization, cyber security is … Read more

An AI powered robot manages to solve this marble game in near record time

The robot completed the CyberRunner in just 14 seconds after only 6 hours of practice. Robots powered by artificial intelligence are getting smarter and can solve more complex equations Join the conversation Artificial intelligence is here to stay. It’s a reality you may or may not like, but it’s the only truth. Artificial intelligence is … Read more

Eternal life; These AI companies are hungry for success

Fantasies about immortality and long-term preservation of life are probably as old as humanity itself, but a new development in Robotics and advanced models Artificial Intelligence they bring these stories theoretically to reality at a rapid pace. Artificial intelligence researchers are already developing AI models of the elderly that try to capture a glimpse of … Read more

Robotaxis cheat: autonomous driving doesn’t have to be so autonomous

Autonomous vehicles have had a very intense summer, notably from Waymo and Cruise, properties of giants Google and General Motors. These are two of the launch further in the race to master this technology, which, however, had to stop in recent months. On August 11, 2023, the two companies received approval from the State of … Read more

The digital dead cow: how artificial intelligence is applied to operational security | Better Energy

Development Cow Dead It was fully digital from the start. Loma Campana, area YPF and American Chevronbecame a reference for non-conventional industry in the application of resources and innovation which establish and enhance the natural capabilities of the terrain and multiply the effectiveness of the equipment. But following this digital application to the daily operation … Read more

Keys that will mean innovation in the logistics market – infoPLC

Locus Robotics reveals five solutions and trends that will determine the future of the industry in 2024, which necessarily includes AI in the digitization and automation of processes. Five Keys to Mark the Changing Demand Prevailing in the Logistics Market in 2024, Forecast Inés Alcántara, Senior Sales Engineer at Locus Robotics in Spain: Artificial Intelligence … Read more

Infotransport – Logistics trends for 2024

Today, technology has radically changed logistics processes and leads the way to the future, where automation, data analysis, immediate attention, blockchain and artificial intelligence will be the undisputed protagonists. The year 2023 has left clear traces on the direction in which logistics is going, and before the last month of the year it is natural … Read more

When Machine Learning Uncovers Microplastics – Enerzine

Plastic pollution, a major environmental problem of our time, is not limited to the oceans. Soil around the world is also affected, which can have serious environmental and health consequences. A team of researchers used machine learning to assess and predict the effect of microplastics on soil properties. This innovative study could revolutionize the management … Read more

These are the five tech trends that will dominate 2024

Technology will continue to establish itself as a driving force in a rapidly changing world, both in business and in the human sphere. This is how Globant described it in its recent report Tech Trends 2024, where it published predictions about the technological trends that will mark the year 2024. Various thought leaders have contributed … Read more

How will artificial intelligence change our lives in 2030?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that is developing rapidly today and is impacting every aspect of our lives. AI is the ability of machines to think and act like humans. AI is used in many fields such as image recognition, natural language processing, machine learning and robotics. By 2030, AI is predicted to change … Read more

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