The digital dead cow: how artificial intelligence is applied to operational security | Better Energy

Development Cow Dead It was fully digital from the start. Loma Campana, area YPF and American Chevronbecame a reference for non-conventional industry in the application of resources and innovation which establish and enhance the natural capabilities of the terrain and multiply the effectiveness of the equipment. But following this digital application to the daily operation … Read more

The energy sector among the preferred sectors for investment in Bulgaria in 2023

One of the most important changes that occurred in the Bulgarian economy after the global financial crisis of 2008 is that economic growth in the country began to be driven by export production. A large part of the investments in our country goes to such enterprises at the expense of those intended for domestic consumption. … Read more

Energy renovation work: save money with these devices

Rarely have investors had access to so much support for energy renovation. MaPrimeRenov’, energy saving certificates, VAT 5.5%, eco-loan with zero rate, etc. The amount of certain support, such as MaPrimeRenov”, however, depends on the level of income of the applicants. Very frugal households (blue MaPrimeRenov) thus have out-of-pocket costs that can drop above 10% … Read more

Recognition of the work of social entities against energy poverty

The lack of access to affordable and renewable energy sources is a challenge that affects millions of people around the world. In this panorama Social entities that fight against energy poverty are key while guaranteeing basic rights for the most vulnerable population. These organizations play a vital role in tackling this problem on multiple fronts. … Read more

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