Find out how to save without much effort

After 2023, when the economy was marked by rising inflation, which triggered a general increase in interest rates and the prices of basic goods such as oil, the Spanish family economy faces expectations and uncertainty in 2024. Will the shopping cart continue to rise? Will house prices stabilize? Will salaries increase? This unstable economic situation … Read more

Energy renovation work: save money with these devices

Rarely have investors had access to so much support for energy renovation. MaPrimeRenov’, energy saving certificates, VAT 5.5%, eco-loan with zero rate, etc. The amount of certain support, such as MaPrimeRenov”, however, depends on the level of income of the applicants. Very frugal households (blue MaPrimeRenov) thus have out-of-pocket costs that can drop above 10% … Read more

Save Right: Budget Planning Tips Explained Simply

Humans are certainly exciting creatures. He builds cars, develops cures for deadly diseases, and even flies into space. But they can’t do one thing: plan a budget and save. A pair of stylish shoes, a fast car, flashy jewelry or a second vacation – consumer traps are lurking around every corner, and as it turns … Read more

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