Save Right: Budget Planning Tips Explained Simply

Humans are certainly exciting creatures. He builds cars, develops cures for deadly diseases, and even flies into space. But they can’t do one thing: plan a budget and save. A pair of stylish shoes, a fast car, flashy jewelry or a second vacation – consumer traps are lurking around every corner, and as it turns out, people rarely resist:

“49 percent of Germans save nothing and spend all their money month after month,” explains financial expert and keynote speaker Jean Meyer.

This is of course offset by the 51 percent who are definitely saving. However, the question is whether they are doing it right. The reason many people find it so difficult to manage their money is due to improper budgeting. It’s about finding the right balance between the two Impose and enjoyment. So here is the first tip:

Saving doesn’t mean giving up the beautiful things in life. It means enjoying them more consciously and sustainably while keeping an eye on the financial future.

Budgeting Tips: How Can I Save Monthly?

A budget is basically a plan that allows you to allocate money to meet your needs, wants and savings goals. Don’t panic: It’s not a complicated list of math formulas that no one understands. When used correctly, budgeting is a tool that provides both security and freedom.

Budgeting is like a compass for your money – it provides control and security through a solid financial framework so you can achieve your long-term goals while spending money on the things you enjoy.

With a few tips and tricks, every shopping queen and king can manage their money. To do this, you first need to ask yourself two questions:

1. How much money will I earn per month?
The first step in creating a budget is to record your income. This includes sources of income including salary, extra income or other sources of money.
2. How much money will I spend per month?
All expenses are then listed, from fixed costs such as rent or mortgage, energy, insurance, to variable expenses such as food, entertainment and transport.

Once you have a clear idea of ​​your finances, you can plan your budget. Financial expert and speaker Jean Meyer recommends:

“Identify your priorities – set clear goals for saving, paying off debt or investing.”

Saving Tips: What is the 50-30-20 Rule?

The 50-30-20 rule is a widely used method for budget management and planning. Income is divided into three categories:

1. Needs
2. A wish
3. Savings/Investments.

The rule says that 50 percent of the money should be set aside for basic needs like rent, groceries and basic expenses. They form the basis of financial stability. Another 30 percent of the budget is used for desires and amenities such as entertainment, travel or hobbies. This share allows some room for personal enjoyment and enjoyment within disposable income. In German: This is shopping money.

The remaining 20 percent is put into savings or investments to achieve long-term financial goals or serve as a safety net for unforeseen expenses. This part supports the creation of a financial cushion and promotes the accumulation of wealth.

This rule is like a financial ace up your sleeve! It’s simple but brilliant. It cleverly juggles what you need today and what you want for the future.

As a financial advisor, keynote speaker Jean Meyer has been addressing the financial concerns, needs and successes of her clients for nearly 30 years. Its primary goal is to guide people to financial freedom. The inspirational speaker always tries to encourage his customers to think more about money and finances, because he sees every day that Germans lack financial education. In his engaging lectures, financial advisor Jean Meyer breaks down preconceptions about the investment market and shows how everyone can invest their assets profitably and without much risk. In his keynote speeches, the speaker also makes it clear that anyone can be happy with their finances even without winning the lottery.

It was clear to young Jean Meyer early on that he wanted to do something with money as a career. In addition to his successful competitive sports career as a wrestler, Meyer completed an apprenticeship as a banker. Here he went through all possible departments and then took care of corporate customers intensively. He studied banking administration and became self-employed at the age of 22 as an independent financial advisor at “Finanzhaus Meyer AG”, where he is a member of the board of directors, a founder and a major shareholder. He has been helping people achieve financial freedom for nearly three decades. Jean Meyer is the originator and fund manager of the Aaapollo 11 Global Equity Fund of Funds. Sympathetic keynote speaker Jean Meyer enjoys beekeeping and fishing in his spare time. He is committed to preserving the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve. In his speeches, he often compares the world of bees and nature with the laws of the financial world.

In addition to his captivating lectures as a speaker, Jean Meyer also imparts his expert knowledge of the financial industry in his three books “The Money Factor”, “The 25 Best Financial Advisors in Germany” and “Aaapollo 11 Global – The History of an Equity Fund”. Financial advisor Jean Meyer’s passion is to get people to think more about their money. We live in a rich country, but we are a population that has little savings to show for it. Financial expert and speaker Meyer is sure that Germans have too little financial education and sometimes even despise rich people or money itself. Besides health, people’s greatest desire is to be financially free.

In her exciting lectures, financial advisor Jean Meyer talks openly and honestly about the financial industry and gives valuable tips on how everyone can profitably invest their assets to be financially happy and free. Because you can be happy with your finances even without winning the big lottery.

Image Source: @Pexels

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