Read about “vampire spending”: What is it and how to avoid it?

Sometimes, even though people try hard keep your finances healthythere are some expenses that are not easily identified, they are usually referred to as spending on ants, ghosts and vampires. On this occasion we want to talk to you about vampire spendingwhat they are and what are the recommendations to avoid them. We recommend you … Read more

Avoid a financial hangover in January

After Christmas holidays and the end of the year will come January expensesalso known as “financial hangover”So that you don’t start off on the wrong foot and with debts, it is advisable avoid unnecessary expenses, be careful with credit cards and work in the culture saving. Carlos Floresadvisor from financial education in National Commission for … Read more

John Catsimatidis: He sold houses worth 250,000,000 dollars and wants to bring pandas from China

For a trader, it sounds strange, to say the least luxury apartments worth 250,000,000 dollars in his new real estate venture while trying to bring pandas from afar China on New York for the enjoyment of young children without any financial gain. Besides that John Catsimatidis he is not what we call an ordinary businessman, … Read more

Exporting more expensive electric cars to Europe is vital for China (photos) | News from the economy | new money

When the European Union started research on Chinese production support domestic electric carsEuropean automakers ready for pain retaliation an increasingly assertive economic superpower. However, such a thing It did not happen, at least not yet. Apart from some initial harsh words from China, both the government and companies like it DWELLING and SAIC cooperate in … Read more

Energy renovation work: save money with these devices

Rarely have investors had access to so much support for energy renovation. MaPrimeRenov’, energy saving certificates, VAT 5.5%, eco-loan with zero rate, etc. The amount of certain support, such as MaPrimeRenov”, however, depends on the level of income of the applicants. Very frugal households (blue MaPrimeRenov) thus have out-of-pocket costs that can drop above 10% … Read more

Explore investment options: Let your money work for you

Smart investing is an essential part of any effective savings plan. Saving is important, but investing money can greatly accelerate your financial growth. Here’s a closer look at the investment options you should consider: 1. Shares: To participate in the ownership of companies Shares represent a share in the ownership of a company. By purchasing … Read more

How to teach children the value of money? – Chile boxes

By learning from an early age, children will be able to make better financial decisions in the future. In Chile, a 42% of people claims to have a low level of financial knowledgewhile 37% of those present medium range, according to a study conducted by the company Central securities depository and Kadem. For this reason, … Read more

How to invest money from the bonus at the end of the year?

During the year-end season, many workers eagerly await the arrival of the December bonus, also known as the “Christmas bonus”, and do not know where to invest it. However, instead of mindlessly spending, considering investment options can be a smart way to make the most of that extra income. Paying off debts, reducing the financial … Read more

Money Management Lessons You Should Learn By Age 18 That You Can Use Throughout Your Life

Financial literacy is a staple in adult life, but many admit they don’t have the necessary knowledge. AND survey he showed it one in three American adults feel they lack financial knowledge. Reporter Steve Liesman and finance editor Kelli Grant put together the list CNBC Make It with the keys to managing money that young … Read more

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