Keys that will mean innovation in the logistics market – infoPLC

Locus Robotics reveals five solutions and trends that will determine the future of the industry in 2024, which necessarily includes AI in the digitization and automation of processes.

Five Keys to Mark the Changing Demand Prevailing in the Logistics Market in 2024, Forecast Inés Alcántara, Senior Sales Engineer at Locus Robotics in Spain:

Artificial Intelligence

Analytics and data automation will be used to improve not only collection, but also operations, predictive planning, real-time productivity, monitoring and analytics, as well as other aspects related to personnel management. The use of technologies such as artificial intelligence or machine learning with robotic automation in warehouses enables real-time data analysis functions, while automation optimizes the supply chain and reduces operational costs. When post-peak order volumes drop, it’s the perfect time to optimize workflows and better position your warehouse with automation technology.

Generative artificial intelligence based on data from more than two dozen real-time detailed reports and dashboards enables companies to have predictive information capable of improving their productivity and analyzing the keys to achieving higher performance from their resources. An example of workflow optimization with artificial intelligence is traffic heat maps, which can be used to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in warehouse picking routes or putaway processes.

This continuous process improvement based on data analysis allows warehouses to be prepared for rapid increases in activity during peak seasons.

Greater awareness of green logistics

The Locus report reveals that in recent years, environmental awareness has not only grown in presence, but also in importance, as it is an increasingly important factor in decision-making. This interest in environmental sustainability will continue to be relevant in the warehouse. Logistics companies are likely to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint by adopting environmentally friendly practices such as: purchasing efficient industrial vehicles, prioritizing products with packaging organic or recycled, little or no plastic use and deliveries favoring local suppliers to encourage the purchase of sustainable products and solutions.

The main materials that make up robots include ABS plastic, metal cases, batteries, circuit boards and other related electronic components. Because the lifespan of each component is different, recycling is only used when the part or component cannot be repaired or reused. Additionally, with proactive maintenance, constant feature updates and new use cases, we can extend the life of our robots well beyond 7 years, virtually indefinitely.

AMR and operators to meet periods of high demand

Since 2020, there has been a significant evolution in the nature of peak and offer times. These periods, traditionally associated with events such as Black Friday, Cyber ​​​​​​Monday or sales seasons, have expanded and diversified throughout the year.

Automation through AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) in the warehouse allows excess or slower-selling inventory to be transported to storage areas in less busy parts of the warehouse, freeing up prime picking locations for faster-moving products. This process increases productivity by placing frequently picked products in easily accessible locations while optimizing warehouse layout for more efficient order management.

Digitization of logistics processes

A growing trend worldwide that many companies are adopting is digital technologies to optimize their logistics operations, increase efficiency and reduce costs. When we talk about by digitization we mean the implementation of logistics solutions capable of integrating software and hardware, warehouse management systems (WMS), tracking and tracing systems, supply chain automation, electronic data interchange (EDI) and other digital solutions.

Likewise, the integration of solutions with which it is possible to provide operators with relevant and actionable operational planning and management metrics. Robotics can thus facilitate the worker’s work when collecting and preparing orders and boxes, as well as when changing products, building pallets or transporting from place to place within the warehouse.

“Machine shoppers” to automate purchases

The machine customers They are programs equipped with artificial intelligence that buy or sell products. According to Gartner, this advancement will significantly impact business and industry in the coming years. A technology consultancy predicts that by 2028, machine users will render 20% of human-readable digital signage obsolete. The expansion of this type of consumer can have a greater impact than the invention e-commerceTherefore, Gartner recommends researching this trend and exploring opportunities in the market.

These new economic actors have sufficient intelligence to act independently. Today’s advanced analytics and AI that personalize marketing offers, products, services and content will need to adapt to these machines. For example, improving B2B sales forecasting (an essential tool for anticipating and qualifying leads) and automating processes will depend on disciplined data management that produces high-quality insights, while data managers and analysts will also need to improve their capabilities to support machine-driven sales.

These predictions demonstrate the industry’s capacity to adapt to the demands of an increasingly connected, aware and data-driven world. Automation, digitization, sustainability and data intelligence are no longer just options; They are essential requirements for any company that aspires to succeed in a competitive and changing environment.

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