Scholarship Exams 2024!

Scholarship Exams 2024! The scholarship exams and application dates that private schools will hold in 2024 have been announced. Announced by the Ministry of National Education, these opportunities will offer students high scholarship opportunities. Here are the scholarship exam details 2024: 1. Ministry of National Education (MEB) Announced: The Ministry of National Education has announced … Read more

Bodosaki Foundation: Inauguration of Scholarship Programs for 52nd Year

The application period for the triptych Programs for master’s and doctoral studies, for postdoctoral research and for visiting researchers has begun. Machine learning and artificial intelligence, biomedical technology and life science informatics, quantum engineering and energy technology, regenerative medicine and other cutting-edge scientific disciplines coexist with more than 20 other field options at her new … Read more

The City Opens Its Doors Again Tomorrow – Onassis Foundation Scholarship Announcement

From 1978 until today, the Onassis Foundation has systematically worked to release forces abroad through a scholarship program focusing on the sciences of the future. THE The city of tomorrow it reopens its doors and invites new people with innovative ideas and clear minds to inhabit it. The applications in its scholarship program The Onassis … Read more

Where can I apply for a scholarship?

With the recent increase in the cost of education scholarship Getting it has become even more important. Especially for families with financial problems, the scholarship is a support that comes as a remedy. In this article, we have focused on details such as scholarship application processes and which institutions provide how many scholarships. Here are … Read more

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