The biggest seller of electric cars in Spain is the Chinese: last year there were 30,000

  1. Chinese brands are making their way into the electric gap
  2. MG, the new head of sales in 2023
  3. The best-selling electric car costs €15,000 on average

In a surprising turn of the automotive scene, electric vehicles from China have reached a major milestone by displacing renowned traditional brands such as Renault and Peugeot About the sale. In this new era of electric mobility, new brands like MG and Lynkco have emerged as the new market leaders, displacing industry giants.

According to José Antonio Galve, Head of Marketing and Product of the MG brand k Digital Confidential“Traditional brands have abandoned the customer and what they want is to maximize profit.” This statement points to a a significant gap between strategies from established brands and new companies that focus on changing consumer demands.

A meteoric rise MG and Lyncco it was clear from recent sales figures that Chinese-made electric vehicles were gaining ground quickly in the European market. These emerging brands have won the trust of consumers by offering an attractive combination of technological innovation, energy efficiency and competitive pricing.

Chinese brands are making their way into the electric gap

Meanwhile, traditional brands have faced criticism from industry experts and consumers for a perceived inability to adapt to the growing demand for electric vehicles. The trend towards sustainable mobility has caused a significant change buyer preferencesThe established brands seem to have underestimated this transition.

Galve’s testimony highlights a crucial point: the importance of aligning with customer needs and expectations in an ever-evolving market. Brands that prioritize customer satisfaction and technological innovation they are gaining groundwhile those that stick to conventional strategies could be left behind in the race for leadership in the electric vehicle market.

MG, the new head of sales in 2023

The MG car brand has seen amazing growth in the last year and has achieved a sales that quadrupledfrom marketing 7 thousand to 30 thousand vehicles. This dizzying rise is not only the result of shocking numbers, but also an innovative strategy that has shaken up the automotive market.

What is the secret of MG’s success? The brand identified a business opportunity in a neglected niche in Spain: the lack of electric vehicles under 30 thousand euros and the lack of hybrid options below 15 thousand euros. With this vision, MG decided to offer not only more affordable prices, but also top equipment for its vehicles.

The brand’s product and marketing manager pointed out that while traditional brands focused on maximizing profit, MG chose a different strategy: a significant improvement equipment of your vehiclesmaintaining a competitive price and minimizing profit margins.

A clear example of this philosophy is the MG4, the brand’s flagship model. This vehicle is 6 thousand euros lower than its main competitors, such as the Cupra Born and the Renault Megane Etech. In addition to the attractive price, The MG4 offers an electric range of 450 kmexceeding expectations in the segment and has a 7-year warranty that provides confidence and support to its customers.

With this consumer-focused strategy of offering better equipment at competitive prices, MG has not only achieved exponential sales growth, but also redefined the standard in Automotive. The brand has shown that it is possible to offer quality, technology and autonomy without compromising the customer’s pocket, an approach that captivates consumers and challenges established giants in the market.

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