ASUS selects ten technologies that will mark the year 2024 and the future of the industry and people

The rapid development of the technological landscape is shaping a an increasingly innovative and disruptive future. Advances are constant, and emerging trends take on meaning almost instantly, changing the way we live, work and communicate.

In this context, experts from ASUS They predict the year 2024, in which it will be necessary to consolidate certain technologies, others will gain importance and new developments will continue to challenge the everyday reality we live. The technology development and innovation company analyzed what the technology trends will be in the coming year and selected those that will challenge the panorama in the coming months:

Consolidation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Two technologies that are called draw the future They will continue to evolve to determine their application in various industries and sectors such as healthcare, automotive, finance or manufacturing. Its potential is still unknown, but the coming months will serve to define its true role in the daily lives of people and businesses, alongside the advancing regulation and legislation of its use.

Artificial intelligence is transforming industry by automating processes, smarter decision making and advanced data analysis. Expected advances in language models such as GPT-4 or more advanced models will enhance natural language understanding and human-computer interaction.

Processing never before seen in quantum computers

Current developments in the field of quantum computers computational processing capabilities that exceed the capabilities of classical systems available so far. Many companies and research labs are working on developing more stable quantum processors and solving practical problems using quantum algorithms. The availability of this technology during 2024 can speed up processes in several areas by quickly processing data and performing complex calculations.

A new era of advanced wireless communication and 5G

The continued deployment of 5G technology and future iterations of wireless networks will provide faster and more reliable connectivity and empower the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies. 5G technology has already revolutionized connectivity, enabling ultra-high data speeds and minimal latency. Its generalization during 2024 will facilitate the implementation of technologies such as autonomous vehicles, remote surgeries, and augmented and virtual reality applications.

Diversification of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.

After coming to the fore in recent years, the time has come for augmented reality and virtual reality. Unlock your potential and showcase your functionality. Maintaining its development will enable the development of applications in areas such as education, business training, entertainment and medicine. From simulating training situations to improving the customer experience in retail, these technologies are set to gain importance in everyday life and business.

More smart devices thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT)

The proliferation of Internet-connected devices will continue to range from smart homes to industrial applications and smart cities. The expansion of IoT and the arrival of unique protocols such as mass, includes greater connectivity between devices, from smart home appliances to industrial sensors. Real-time data collection and analysis offers opportunities for operational efficiency and informed decision-making.

New Features for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)

Addition cryptocurrenciesadvancements in the application of blockchain technologies are expected in areas such as supply chain management, safety and financial transactions. In this way, new possibilities are opened in terms of sustainability, facilitating more transparent traceability in value chains or improving the efficiency and security of transactions.

Advanced robotics is advancing to improve human interaction

Robots are becoming more intelligent and versatile industrial, healthcare and logistics environments. Advances in robotics by leveraging the latest developments in applied artificial intelligence enable devices to adapt to changing environments and safely interact with humans. At the same time, more advanced models can increase productivity and improve safety in manufacturing or even healthcare.

Biomedicine and genomics: technology in the service of health

The gene and gene editing therapies They are already transforming medical care with advances in personalized medicine that tailor treatment to each patient. Its foundation in genomics enables more precise and specific treatment of diseases. In addition, the technology applied to genetic modifications will make it possible to correct genetic defects and treat hereditary diseases.

Greater Importance of Edge Computing in Application Development

New digital applications increasingly require higher computing power and efficiency close to the data source, which will lead to Edge Computing play a key role in development in 2024. Its ability to reduce latency and improve efficiency makes it an essential technology for applications that require fast responses, such as industrial automation and autonomous vehicles.

Technological sustainability, a priority in all sectors

Growing concerns about the impact of technology on the environment will lead to more sustainable approaches to the design of products and services. 2024 should mean a a break in the relationship between technological sectors and environmental care. All companies must take responsibility for their products and services to reduce their impact on the planet, whether through design, use or recycling.

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