Short trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: DAX ends the last trading day of the year higher

The last, abbreviated trading day of the strong equity year 2023, closed the leading German DAX index in positive territory. The DAX closed the last trading day of the year at 16,751.64 points, or 0.3 percent higher. It gained slightly at the opening and then continued to gain, but without major fluctuations. XETRA trading ended … Read more

Lisbon secures the location for real estate investment ahead of Frankfurt, Hamburg and Barcelona in 2024

Factors such as economic performance, availability of assets and attraction of talent contributed to Lisbon’s rise three places in the list of 30 cities analyzed in a study by consultancy firms PwC and the Urban Land Institute (ULI). This puts Lisbon ahead of cities such as Frankfurt, Barcelona, ​​Hamburg, Brussels and Vienna and many others. … Read more

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