Real estate – Real estate project: can your business provide you with financial support?

Are you an employee? Do you want to become an owner but can’t make this project happen? There are several funding mechanisms resulting from the employer’s contribution. Focus on Action Logement Home Loan, a former 1% employer. If you work for a private sector company, you can benefit from two forms of help in the … Read more

Financial education for women and girls: Finance is a woman’s business

Counselors for women and girls are calling for more financial education for women. A series of events with a financial focus is intended to create greater awareness of one’s own money. LEIBNITZ. Finance they are generally not a topic that women like to talk about. Given one high rates of part-time work for women and … Read more

Repeal of the Tenancy Act: is it business again to buy a property and find a tenant?

After the repeal of the Tenancy Act, experts say it is once again profitable to buy rental properties in the traditional way (Illustrative image Infobae) Possible title II: With the repeal of the Rent Act: Is it again appropriate to invest in real estate and use it for classic contracts? Possible title III: Perspectives after … Read more

Anis Gharbi: “The future of the real estate sector in Tunisia, innovation and growth prospects.” – Business magazine

Mubawab celebrates its 4th anniversary in the Tunisian market this year. Could you share some of the key achievements of Mubawab in Tunisia during this period? After 4 years in the Tunisian real estate market, Mubawab continues to strengthen its position as the leading real estate site in Tunisia, both for professionals and individuals. Our … Read more

Financial education: How to make good use of credit cards for Christmas shopping? – Business businessman

Business ventures.- The holiday season is approaching with joy, good wishes and love, but also with many expenses. In order to cover them, many people increase their use of credit cards to get financing alternatives that could change their usual debt payments if they don’t have sufficient and organized control. “One of the main advantages … Read more

“Schools should provide financial and business education”

Miguel Ramirez Valenzuela He is a marketing entrepreneur who has innovated with his team on the issue of working hours, and who from his trenches supports entrepreneurs who are trying to grow further with the management of brands on social networks. Unique in its nature in the village Guavasis determined to achieve compliance with the … Read more

“We need to stop being afraid of technology and think about how it brings value to citizens.”

Founded in 1906 as “The Haloid Photographic Company” according to Chester Carlson In New York, Xerox initially focused on photographic products. The real transformation of the company came in the 1950s, when Carlson invented a revolutionary technology known as xerography, which made it possible to quickly and easily reproduce documents. Therefore, in 1959 the … Read more

Profitable business? These are the benefits of real estate investing

Real estate sector in Mexico It is considered one of the most profitable, so-called invest in real estate it could have been a financial guarantee, but so what benefits has The property They are considered a lower-risk investment because they allow you to get a positive return on investment, in addition to having a large … Read more

Doing business with Hoquet Business: buying or renting a commercial property?

Business hiccups offers an in-depth reflection on the crucial choice between renting and buying real estate. This decision, which is in the center of interest of entrepreneurs, requires a careful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. HOQUET BUSINESS An idea, a project? Stop waiting for opportunities. Outrun them. With Hoquet Business, a … Read more

Anatomy or finance? Medical students now want business degrees

A growing number of doctors are trading in their stethoscopes for business degrees, with more than 60% of medical schools offering dual MD-MBA programs, according to a recent study. This trend demonstrates a shift towards combining clinical expertise with management skills and reveals the changing landscape of the healthcare industry MEDİMAZİN – Jasen Gundersen’s journey … Read more

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