Real estate – Real estate project: can your business provide you with financial support?

Are you an employee? Do you want to become an owner but can’t make this project happen? There are several funding mechanisms resulting from the employer’s contribution. Focus on Action Logement Home Loan, a former 1% employer. If you work for a private sector company, you can benefit from two forms of help in the … Read more

Halkbank continues to support female entrepreneurs with the Producing Women competition

Halkbank CEO Osman Arslan stated that they have provided 53 billion TL of support to 212 thousand women to date and said, “By continuing our support to our women, we want to allow 250 thousand female entrepreneurs to benefit from our loan package by the end of 2024. .” he said. Halkbank, organized to encourage … Read more

Halkbank continues to support female entrepreneurs

At the meeting, which was attended by Halkbank CEO Arslan, the jury members of the 2024 Halkbank Productive Women Competition, which was organized to encourage entrepreneurial women and support them in the implementation of their projects, were introduced. Speaking here, Osman Arslan expressed his joy in organizing the third Productive Women Competition, which they organized … Read more

Huge support to exporters from Turk Eximbank

Güney said in a statement as part of the “bank talks” that 2023 is a year in which inflationary pressures continue to be felt in the global economy and that they have had a year in which financial conditions have tightened due to contractionary monetary policy. developed countries and economic activity continued, albeit at a … Read more

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