Anis Gharbi: “The future of the real estate sector in Tunisia, innovation and growth prospects.” – Business magazine

Mubawab celebrates its 4th anniversary in the Tunisian market this year. Could you share some of the key achievements of Mubawab in Tunisia during this period?

After 4 years in the Tunisian real estate market, Mubawab continues to strengthen its position as the leading real estate site in Tunisia, both for professionals and individuals. Our goal from the beginning was to become a “Top of Mind” brand or even a reference for all activities related to digital real estate in Tunisia: buying, selling, renting and investing.

We have accepted the challenge to make DATA accessible to the entire real estate ecosystem in Tunisia by publishing 7 studies per year on sales and short-term and long-term rentals, both residential and commercial, covering a large part of the Tunisian territory. cities. The goal of this initiative is to offer relevant and accurate information to people who want to invest in real estate.

Regarding our platform, we are proud to announce that Mubawab’s notoriety has now earned the trust of internet users with over 500,000 visits per month generating an average of nearly 4,000,000 page views per month. A client portfolio of more than 400 partners, almost 45,000 active offers and more than 100 new offers added every day is a safe bet for real estate agencies and developers who receive a large number of qualified contacts every month.

Mubawab is also very active on social media through the production of high quality content and in various formats. Through its rich content, Mubawab aims to democratize real estate culture by addressing administrative procedures, financial, legal and technical aspects related to the sector.

What are Mubawab’s future projects and goals in Tunisia?

In order to remain competitive and thrive in an ever-evolving market, we intend to expand further regionally.

Our vision is also to offer an expanded platform by maximizing consumer reach and visibility while offering personalized support to our clients. It must be based primarily on technological innovations connected to the world of realities.

Mubawab continues to support Tunisians living abroad (TRE) as expert real estate advisors, whether they are in Western Europe, the Gulf countries or Sub-Saharan Africa. Our goal is to become their trusted partner for all their real estate investment practices.

Could you tell us about specific technologies or innovations that Mubawab uses to improve the property search and user experience? “.

At Mubawab, we believe in using innovation to perfect your property search. We have integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into our processes to optimize the use of data. This approach allows us to improve the user experience of our site.

At the same time, we use advanced customer relationship management (CRM) systems to comprehensively analyze the performance of our services. These tools allow us to adapt our products to the specific needs of each real estate project and thus ensure an optimal user experience.

What is the outlook for the real estate sector in Tunisia, especially for real estate professionals and potential investors?

According to my expertise, we anticipate that the last quarter of 2023 will bring some activity to the real estate sector in Tunisia. This period could be characterized by an improvement in real estate transactions, which preceded the VAT increase planned for 2024.

It is likely that the real estate sector will experience a period of slowdown early next year. This is due to both the seasonality of activity and the rise in prices, while waiting for the return of Tunisians residing abroad (TRE), who will play a large part in the recovery of the sector.

For Mubawab, the challenge will be to identify and present the best opportunities to its clients despite market fluctuations.

It is important to remember that despite the continued rise in prices, real estate remains a safe value investment. Those who do not buy will lean towards renting or even building. However, the consistency of supply and demand provides real estate professionals and investors with continuous opportunities, even in an environment of tax and regulatory fluctuations.

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