Financial education for women and girls: Finance is a woman’s business

Counselors for women and girls are calling for more financial education for women. A series of events with a financial focus is intended to create greater awareness of one’s own money.

LEIBNITZ. Finance they are generally not a topic that women like to talk about. Given one high rates of part-time work for women and affiliates Poverty in old age But it is high time for women to start thinking about their own finances. Traditional family models and the frequent provision of unpaid care work are often accompanied by financial cuts and opportunities for professional careers.

Financial independence

Sandra Janics-Jakomini from the association “freiraum” explains why the topic is becoming more and more important nowadays: “Financial planning means for women to realize that as a first step financial independence it brings freedom. Being there for the family and household and doing care work is often associated with economic dependence. It does not deprive you of your freedom. It is the possibility that you will be able to live financially independently that changes that personal space for action and self-worth. That’s liberating.”

Austria has one of the highest gender pay gaps. The Income disadvantage is part of this country 18.8 percentwhich means that women – compared to men – statistically from October 31 to the end of the year work for free. There’s a lot of catching up to do The income gap concerns and in one 50 percent female part-time quota Women have another disadvantage, which is reflected in a lower pension.

Impact on the future

Much-heralded measures such as higher education and associated higher incomes to close the wage gap often ignore the lived reality of women. The head of the Counseling Center for Women and Girls, Leibnitz, explains why financial planning is so important: “Women are becoming better and more educated and often have their own professional base. It is important, especially in the stages… Family plans or perhaps to make people aware of which ones when taking over care Effects this momentary decision in the longer term and for your own future.”

“Financial independence is such a vital topic. There are many offers that women – and of course men – can take advantage of if they are well-informed. I mean, for example, Distribution of pensions or Father’s leave. I advise every woman to provide information and assess the consequences. It starts, for example, with the choice of profession. When it comes to choosing a field of study, it is still mostly chosen by girls three typical professions: a salesperson in a retail store, a hairdresser or an office clerk. It is precisely this career choice that shapes you Income, career opportunities and pensions. Many jobs that are often performed by women are paid relatively low wages,” explains Sandra Janics-Jakomini.

With financial Education, enlightenment and preventive workshops At the very least, they are trying to sensitize especially women to financial education. A series of events for the financial education of women supported by the State of Styria aims to raise awareness of one’s own financial situation.

Current dates for “Finance Woman”

At the beginning of the year in January 2024, women and girls in the Leibnitz district can learn about their own financial planning. On January 18, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Leibnitz Chamber of Labor.

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