10 Most Lucrative AI Jobs That Can Increase Your Salary

Imagine a world where your daily work is constantly changing technology, where every strategic decision you make shapes the future of business. L’Artificial Intelligence is not just a technological wave; it’s a tsunami of possibilities that creates new career horizons. Ready to discover profession that not only advance your career but also raise your salary … Read more

Housing: The Court of Auditors demands an increase in property tax

The French Court of Auditors considers housing taxation to be relatively high and burdens owners almost exclusively. He is also advocating an overhaul of the system so that possession is taxed more than acquisition to allow for better market dynamics, i.e. an increase in property tax. Housing taxation is ” reflecting mandatory rainfall among the … Read more

58% increase in real estate prices with increasing foreign investment

The housing market has recovered from the crisis and is only 7% away from the high prices of 2007. Foreign investment approached 3 billion from the beginning of 2022 to the third quarter of 2023. A correction is possible, the BoE emphasizes. The destruction that occurred during the crisis incl Greek housing market, with the … Read more

“As the number of apartments increases, the tax rate should increase”

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) published data on the housing price index (HPI) for the period of October 2023. Thus, the lowest monthly growth rate in the last five months was observed in October 2023, with an increase of 3.8 percent compared to the previous month. Compared to the same month … Read more

Towards an increase in global real estate investment in 2024

International analysts of real estate consulting claim this The Savillesglobal investment in real estate is expected to increase in 2024. Approximately 57% of them expect a slight to strong increase in investment activities in the next year, with this figure even reaching 70% of respondents for multifamily and 66% for activities and logistics. The council … Read more

Housing crisis: Lisbon withdraws golden visa – sees 2nd biggest price increase in Europe after Athens | topontiki.gr

Faced with the unprecedented housing crisis is located Lisbon, which records – according to Bloomberg – the second largest increase in housing prices in major European capitals after Athens. Government of Portugal, after successfully attracting wealthy foreigners with a series of investment incentives, it is now trying to drag down the markets which push housing … Read more

How will investment increase to 37.4 billion euros in 2024?

By Tasos Dasopoulos The Ministry of Finance expects a further increase in investment of 5.7 billion euros in 2024, bringing the total to 37.4 billion euros from the 31.7 billion expected at the end of 2023, an increase of around 90% compared to in 2019, when investments amounted to 19.6 billion euros. The increase in … Read more

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