Housing crisis: owners in the crosshairs of the assembly

News World dated November 26, is issued by a Bill transpartisanan (dubbed Ministerial Delegate for Housing) on ​​housing to redirect tourism rentals and secondary residences to main residences, the deficit of which is glaring and undisputed in certain so-called stressed areas. This proposal consists in removing the tax benefits provided to owners of furnished rentals, … Read more

Real estate is in crisis, but here are 5 good reasons to get into the sector

Not a day goes by without it being talked about housing crisis. We need to talk about it and identify its causes in order to treat it. It is up to professional actors and public officials to look at things squarely. Besides, what would be the point of hiding your face? Most French people understand … Read more

MAP. Facing the climate crisis, AI and satellites at the bottom of French forests

Scientists from the CNRS and the universities of Orléans and Toulouse have developed a system capable of assessing the health of forest areas using satellite images. We could already track the disappearance of the Amazon on Google Earth, and soon scientists could track a much more insidious phenomenon year after year: the slow decline of … Read more

Some strategies for investing in real estate in times of crisis

Some strategies for investing in real estate in times of crisis For professionals, a savings strategy is critical to achieving future real estate investment. Your outlook must be optimistic. According to: Renato Herrera Lagos The current context regarding the economic situation facing the country, and in particular the real estate market, presents some important variables … Read more

Real estate crisis in 2024: what to expect?

PUSH real estate crisis in 2024 they are already talking about her. Experts are divided on this issue and consumers are trying to anticipate the possible problems that could arise. In this article, we analyze the various predictions and explore several parameters to consider regarding this potential real estate crash in 2024. Should we expect … Read more

Housing crisis: Lisbon withdraws golden visa – sees 2nd biggest price increase in Europe after Athens | topontiki.gr

Faced with the unprecedented housing crisis is located Lisbon, which records – according to Bloomberg – the second largest increase in housing prices in major European capitals after Athens. Government of Portugal, after successfully attracting wealthy foreigners with a series of investment incentives, it is now trying to drag down the markets which push housing … Read more

Real estate crisis, proptech and… legal recovery

Thierry Vignal, founder in 2019 of turnkey investment specialist Masteos, discusses the decline of proptech. In this new episode My real estate podcastan entrepreneur who personified success – Masteos was valued at 150 million in March 2023, adds without limitation. “We had better news to announce on Christmas Day, explains. Unfortunately, the state of the … Read more

Bayonne: The city wants to continue its investment plan despite the economic crisis

During the debate on the 2024 budget orientation on Thursday, December 14, Mayor Jean-René Etchegaray provided a brief mid-term assessment. An opportunity to recall that the investments planned for the first three years were made “at the level of the amount we sometimes do in six years”. He highlighted the difficult context at the start … Read more

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