Housing: The Court of Auditors demands an increase in property tax

The French Court of Auditors considers housing taxation to be relatively high and burdens owners almost exclusively. He is also advocating an overhaul of the system so that possession is taxed more than acquisition to allow for better market dynamics, i.e. an increase in property tax. Housing taxation is ” reflecting mandatory rainfall among the … Read more

Real estate: Court of Auditors calls for “major reform” of housing taxation

What is housing taxation? In 2022, the French spent €581 billion on their 38 million homes, including €92 billion in taxes, or 7.6% of compulsory deductions and 3.5% of GDP. “A high level that reflects our country’s mandatory deductions”underlined, Monday 18 December, Pierre Moscovici, the first president of the Court of Auditors, during the presentation … Read more

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