Damages from property taxes

According to the Case-Shiller index, home prices have increased by 44% since February 2020. Of course, this is just an average and some markets have seen much larger price increases. However, even in the real estate markets of Central America, where prices are supposed to be more reasonable than on the coast, prices have risen … Read more

United States of America: what taxes are charged in Miami?

After Spain, the United States is one of the countries that receives the largest number of Argentine immigrants. AND Florida is the most voted state. According to official data, 69,000 Argentines have already established their residence in the “sunny state” in Miami. Settling in another country is a real challenge. Having a work contract or … Read more

Tax Cuts: What Real Estate Investments To Cut Taxes In 2023?

There are many investments that can reduce your income tax. This is what we call tax exemption through investment deduction. This practice consists in creating a finance charge that will be deducted from taxable income. Many real estate investments also allow you to reduce taxes. In fact, the desire of the legislator is to promote … Read more

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