Real estate: when new is cheaper than old

According to a recent study, DPE is disrupting the new and old real estate market in several cities in France. Additional investment for the old The real estate market has seen many twists and turns in recent years. In addition to the rise in interest rates, DPE (Diagnostics of Energy Performance) and its obligations are … Read more

Tax Cuts: What Real Estate Investments To Cut Taxes In 2023?

There are many investments that can reduce your income tax. This is what we call tax exemption through investment deduction. This practice consists in creating a finance charge that will be deducted from taxable income. Many real estate investments also allow you to reduce taxes. In fact, the desire of the legislator is to promote … Read more

Property loan: these 3 new measures that will facilitate access to credit

With rising rates, it has become more difficult for future owners to access a home loan. A problem that the High Financial Stability Board intends to solve thanks to 4 new measures. Do you want to borrow to buy real estate? In the context where real estate prices Due to the lack of expandable debt … Read more

The government wants to drastically limit real estate management

Bercy estimates that his administrations could do without around a quarter of the areas currently in use… Hence the “ambitious reform of state properties” unveiled last month by Thomas Cazenave, the minister responsible for the recovery of public finances. Objectives: to sell buildings in order to reduce the public deficit and reduce the impact of … Read more

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