The most in-demand jobs in 2030 do not yet exist

According to the World Economic Forum, 80% of the most in-demand jobs will be new in 2030. Today’s society is constantly changing, and the work ecosystem is no stranger to this. This is why UDIT, the University of Design, Innovation and Technology, introduced Atlas of creative professions of the future. A study that aims to analyze the trends that will shape the future in terms of the professional profiles that are the protagonists of the creative industries sector and the training necessary for each of them in the coming years.

The Atlas of Creative Professions of the Future, prepared by UDIT in collaboration with the consulting firm Prodigioso Volcán, thus includes five main trends that affect the economy and society and that will strengthen the current creative professions: sustainability; the rise of phygital experience; artificial intelligence as an engine of artistic and content creation; accessible design of digital products and experiences and parameterized life.

For its preparation, more than 500 educational, sociological and world work trends were compiled and analyzed; Several focus groups were conducted with experts from the academic world, as well as a survey of almost a hundred education experts.

“Professions evolve, adapt, transform, and jobs look less and less like what we used to know. The training we offer at UDIT has always been characterized by responding to the real needs of the labor market. With this Atlas, we once In addition, we wanted to do step forward and try to visualize the future of the creative industries by analyzing what will be the professional profiles that will define the next generation,” said Juan Cayón, Rector of UDIT, University of Design, Innovation and Technology.

Based on these macro trends, Atlas detects a selection of 21 profiles with potential for demand for design and technology jobs. Each profile contains the rationale as well as the training required for each of them:

Fashion design, management or communication field

Profile of sustainable fashion design

It corresponds to professionals with an education in fashion design, ecology and with knowledge of new materials and processes. In order for this profile to become a key element in an industry that faces the constant challenges of sustainability and reducing environmental impact, it needs, in addition to knowledge of the discipline of fashion design itself, sustainable processes and ethical and considerate production practices.

Environmental Textile Engineering Profile

With training in textile engineering, environmental sciences or chemical processes, this specialist will focus on innovation and process improvement in industry to reduce their impact. This profile combines knowledge of technology and ecology. Therefore, it is important to know the tools to measure the impact and provide a critical view of the processes in order to realize a sustainable culture in the production of materials.

Phygital Spaces design profile

It is a multidisciplinary profile capable of creating physical environments that provide immersive experiences such as hybrid stores or catwalks with augmented reality. Required training includes design or fashion with the bonus of specializing in virtual reality. Being aware of the way we interact with space and coming up with innovative ideas will be key for this catalyst to create physical and digital experiences to do so in an ideal way.

Hybrid fashion event coordination profile

Professional with training in event management, protocol, fashion and digital technology, responsible for organizing and managing events that combine online and in-person elements. Able to merge the physical and digital worlds to deliver immersive experiences that break barriers, this new professional requires the necessary creativity to redefine the way fashion and lifestyle are consumed.

Profile of fashion anthropology and cultural defense

Trained in fashion, anthropology and cultural studies, the specialist focuses on understanding and appreciating how fashion intersects with cultural identity in a conscious and respectful way. This is a highly relevant profile that requires analytical capacity to explore cultural patterns and codes. They must ensure authenticity, environment and ethical production in order to generate new, more inclusive models. It is a profile that acts as a bridge between fashion and people, so training in the humanities is essential to complement fashion knowledge.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist

A profile that stems from the need to have more equitable and egalitarian professional leadership to promote a work environment that respects and celebrates diversity. This professional, who will be responsible for implementing and overseeing policies that promote an appropriate work environment in a multi-sensitivity ecosystem and will work to ensure fair representation and treatment of all employees, must have a background in human resources, law or sociology.

Area of ​​design, product design and interior design

Circular design profile

A professional trained in design, engineering or environmental sciences who will be responsible for creating products and systems that minimize waste and maximize reuse and recycling. With its knowledge of sustainable materials and circular manufacturing processes, it will lead the transition to a circular and regenerative economy and seek a path to a more environmentally friendly future.

Smart Space Design Profile

Specialist responsible for creating environments that integrate cutting-edge technology to improve user experience and efficiency. He is a professional with training in architecture, interior design and information technology who will seek to transform everyday spaces that anticipate and adapt to the needs of the future through artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and process automation.

Biophilic design profile

A professional with a background in architecture, design and psychology with an environmental sensibility concerned with the integration of natural elements into architecture and public spaces. It requires the use of new methodologies to create an environment aimed at improving the quality of life, where the connection with nature allows us to fight against urban stress and climate change.

Virtual space design profile

Design, technology and virtual reality specialist responsible for creating and optimizing online spaces that offer immersive experiences. This profile, which will use 3D design techniques, requires a deep understanding of human-computer interaction to create friendlier and more efficient living spaces.

Automation systems design profile

Trained in engineering, programming and robotics, this professional will be dedicated to designing and optimizing systems that improve the efficiency and productivity of work processes. You need to master programming, mechanics and algorithms, plus know the discipline of artificial intelligence to create systems that can redefine the future of work.

New Materials Engineer

A profile that will focus on the development and implementation of new materials that are functional, durable and environmentally friendly. You will do this through an understanding of sustainable processes, bio-manufacturing and circular design principles, so materials engineering, eco-design and biotechnology are key to becoming this specialist.

Graphic design, illustration, advertising and branding

Visual Researcher Profile

Design, visual arts and communication specialist able to research and analyze visual trends to create attractive and effective graphic content. This professional will need to have a deep understanding of color theory, semiotics and consumer psychology to decipher trends and translate them into optimal visual strategies.

Community Radar Profile

A professional with training in communications, sociology and digital marketing who is responsible for identifying and understanding the trends, behaviors and needs of various online communities. This profile must have anthropological qualities: knowledge of people and their behavior as well as analytical skills that will help brands guide their communication strategies.

Authenticity Auditor Profile

A specialist who must master disciplines such as design, art history and product authentication in order to guarantee the authenticity of products such as luxury products. Its mission is to ensure consumer trust through expert knowledge of luxury brands and counterfeiting techniques, and distinguish genuine from fakes to achieve consolidation of digital markets such as the luxury second-hand market.

Accessibility guardian profile

A professional with training in information technology, interaction design and the rights and needs of people with disabilities, whose main task is to ensure that digital products are accessible to all people. It ensures equal access to information and online services to achieve a digital world for all people.

The field of animation, video games and technology

Specialized profile on Big Data and predictive analytics

Computer Science, Statistics and Machine Learning specialist responsible for collecting, processing and analyzing large data sets to predict trends and patterns. He is a market trend and gap hunter who uses mathematics to drive technology industry strategies and decisions.

Video game design profile specializing in AI

Professional with training in video game design, computer science and artificial intelligence, who focuses on creating gaming experiences enriched with artificial intelligence technologies. This specialist with programming and design skills seeks to transform player interaction, game environments and gameplay, resulting in more realistic characters and a degree of immersion and personalization that elevates the entire experience.

Video game design profile with a focus on accessibility (physical and mental)

A video game design, computer science and artificial intelligence professional who uses his specialized knowledge in psychology and his sensitivity to the needs of people with disabilities to create and design gaming experiences that are accessible and enjoyable for all people. As a result, this specialist manages to get inclusive and fair video games.

Profile specialized in animation-oriented generative artificial intelligence (synthetic voices, scripts, subtitles…)

This professional is a specialist in computer science and animation production and has knowledge of GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). He is responsible for the application of generative artificial intelligence techniques to the creation of synthetic voices, scripts and titles through the use of his computer science and animation production skills.

a keen hunter

A professional tasked with identifying and correcting unintentional biases and biases that have been introduced into systems, tools, and applications by both human designers and machine learning algorithms. It is a very multidisciplinary profile, passing through several fields of knowledge, such as computing, psychology, philosophy or anthropology, which acts as a guarantor of the beneficial use of everyday technologies and prevents their contamination by errors.

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