Robots are coming into action to collaborate with humans

Automation has a lot to offer in complex production processes. Not only in the possibility of increasing profits, but also in improving working conditions. Where they are most stringent, where a lot of hard manual work is required and automation has always been difficult, the Cogniman project initiative seeks to offer innovative solutions.

Demand for manual labor in harsh conditions remains complex processes as diverse as the production of glass fibers, the fine refinement of medical implants after 3D printing processes, the elimination of excess material from machined cast iron parts or the warehouse handling of semi-finished products in steel mills.

Collaboration is key

Sixteen organizations have joined forces to devise and develop a way to not only address these specific challenges, but to transform these processes to make them more flexible, safer and more sustainable. Collaborative robotics a Artificial Intelligence are key technologies that the Cogniman project uses to make manufacturing smart.

Cogniman is short for project investigation and innovation four years, which stands for “COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing”, “Cognitive Industries for Intelligent Manufacturing”. Once completed, the project will be developed strategies that can be easily adapted to automate various manual manufacturing operations by combining different modules implemented in a “toolbox” type system. The development of this toolkit also uses cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins, simulations, advanced sensors and machine learning.

Focus on people

What stands out about the project is its commitment to people as a center of industrial production. Existing knowledge is essential for process automation and introduce robots as co-workers alongside humans in factories.

Employee input often reveals the complexity of existing processes. Involving them from the start is key to the success of changes that will directly affect their work: automation focuses on increase workplace safety and replace intensive manual work and repetitive tasks, sometimes in potentially dangerous or risky conditions. It optimizes processes and increases efficiency, thus contributing to the production of Europe to be more competitive, which in turn guarantees job stability.

High-tech from Spain

Technological Institute of Aragon, Itanovain close cooperation with the company’s three partners Basque country: Developed by Ideko (a technology center specialized in machine tools), Goimek (a high precision machining industry) and Aldakin (a specialist in electrical systems). one of these innovative robotic systems for a safer and more collaborative work environment.

For use involving these Cogniman project partners, The industrial handling robot is integrated with a rolling robot capable of moving in any direction. This combination allows the system to work in high detail on large structural elements without limiting their dimensions and without the need to install complex fixed infrastructure.

In this way, by combining the capabilities of both robots, a robotic system is created that can autonomously move around the plant and can be precisely and optimally positioned in the work area to perform the required task. This system will be able to perceive its environment, locate itself and the elements it needs to work on.and also autonomously correct their trajectories and workforces when processes need to be adjusted. Therefore, you will be able to work on elements of various shapes and sizes with maximum precision.

Digital representation

In addition, the system will be digitized and connected to a digital twin, which will allow the prior simulation of trajectories and work results before performing tasks. This in turn will provide a simplified programming environment so that worker experience can be easily incorporated into the simulation and subsequently into the automated task. They will be able to work with the robot without having to have extensive knowledge of robotic programming concepts.

Challenging limits

“This type of technological integration represents a significant leap in automationbecause these solutions can be adapted and deployed in industries where standard solutions are not feasible or would require very expensive investments, in addition to very advanced technical knowledge,” comments Carlos Peribáñez of Itainnova.

Itainnova’s participation in the Cogniman project not only aims to improve working conditions and technological progress, but also plays a vital role in to strengthen the industrial panorama of Aragon.

The goal is for the results of these projects to appear as concrete high-quality solutions. technique which directly benefit the industrial network in Aragon. This transfer of knowledge is possible thanks to Itanova’s cooperation on other projects, incorporating innovative technologies into specific development initiatives for local companies. This collaborative approach not only positions Itainnova as a benchmark for technological development, but also contributes to the growth and competitiveness of the industrial structure in the Aragon region.


  • Project Cogniman (COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing).
  • Partners 16 entities from seven countries, including research centers, development companies and industrial partners.
  • Execution time Started in January 2023 and running for 48 months.
  • Money The Cogniman project receives funding from the European Union.
  • More information

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