CaixaForum Madrid: where the future of art and architecture meet

In the cultural heart of Madrid, an institution is being created whose facade resonates with history, while its interior vibrates with the artistic and architectural avant-garde: CaixaForum Madrid. Since his inaugurationthis enclosure was built as a temple of culture, a bridge between the past and the most innovative trends. It’s not just another exhibition space; CaixaForum Madrid has become a meeting place for dialogue between disciplines, generations and artistic currents.

The building that houses CaixaForum Madrid is not a ephemeral element of the urban landscape, but a work that preserves the city’s memory. Located on Paseo del Prado, it was originally power plant built at the beginning of the 20th century. The transformation of this industrial space into an art center was a challenge left in the hands of the prestigious architectural studio Herzog & de Meuron.

Their approach respected the original structure, preserving its historic essence while incorporating modern touches such as a striking additional iron oxide floor that seemed to float above the existing building.


The green facade, designed by Patrick Blanc, represents one of the most distinctive and revolutionary elements of the center. This vertical garden composed of thousands of plants of various species not only beautifies the structure, but also contributes to the improvement of the urban environment, functioning as a green lung in the middle of the metropolis. The ingenious support and maintenance system of this garden is an example of ingenuity applied to sustainability in contemporary architecture.

The entrance to CaixaForum Madrid, without architectural barriers, ends in a public square that integrates with the environment and encourages community interaction. It is a space dedicated to hospitality, where the paths of Madrid residents and tourists cross, thus reflecting the center’s philosophy of cultural openness.


CaixaForum Madrid’s cultural offer displays a range that covers everything from visual arts to contemporary thought. Its biggest attraction are temporary exhibitions, the presentation of works by internationally recognized artists as well as the visibility of new voices on the contemporary art scene. The diversity is reflected in the various disciplines on display: painting, sculpture, contemporary art, photography, video art and other emerging expressions.

It is not only about exhibitions, but the center is also devoted to training and learning through a varied educational program. It offers workshops, conferences and debates that try to bring art and culture closer to all audiences, stimulate critical reflection and the exchange of ideas.

Music occupies a special place in the programming of CaixaForum Madrid. Concerts and recitals make the experience at this center something that goes beyond the visual, becoming a complete sensory event. This effort to integrate different cultural expressions positions CaixaForum Madrid as a multifaceted and dynamic center.


Looking to the future, CaixaForum Madrid does not stop at what has already been achieved; continues to explore ways to integrate technology and interactivity into your cultural experience. Virtual and augmented reality gain space in their designs and enable immersive artistic experiences that break down the traditional barriers of the viewer.

The center tries not only to be a passive exhibition space, but actively participates in contemporary artistic creation. through artist residency programs and fellowships. These initiatives support the development of innovative projects that can be part of the artistic discourse in Spain and beyond.

Committed to sustainability and accessibility, CaixaForum Madrid is constantly working to improve its ecological footprint and to be a space for all. Already an example of a sustainable intervention in architecture, the building continues to adapt to minimize its impact on the environment and guarantee that its activities can be enjoyed by all without exception.


CaixaForum Madrid becomes a catalyst for interaction between different disciplines outside of art and architecture; it blends science, philosophy and technology with the creative universe. Through programs that combine different areas of knowledge, The Madrid Forum offers a holistic view of culture. For example, collaboration with experts in robotics and artificial intelligence has led to exhibitions that reflect on the future of humanity and the role of technology in our lives.

These interdisciplinary dialogues not only enrich the center’s programming, but also increase the public’s ability to connect artistic culture with other essential aspects of modern society.

CaixaForum’s commitment to innovative thinking extends to the cultural management model. By making CaixaForum a platform for the co-production of projects with other museums and cultural centers Madrid promotes diversification and richness in creation. Co-production allows artists to work in a wider context and allows visitors to enjoy designs that have been enriched by contributions from different institutions.


In addition to the aesthetic and cultural impact, CaixaForum Madrid assumes a strong social commitment. Its educational programs focus on inclusion and access to education, reaching communities that generally have fewer opportunities to access the arts. Workshops for low-income families, projects with schools in disadvantaged areas, and activities designed for people with disabilities are concrete examples of the social dimension of CaixaFora’s work.

The educational work of CaixaForum Madrid goes beyond the typical pedagogical approach and seeks a real change in the relationship between creators and the public. The institution seeks to blur the lines between the viewer and the artwork, promoting the idea that art is a living and dynamic experience. In this sense, didactics becomes a tool to awaken curiosity and encourage creativity in visitors of all ages and supports a continuous and interactive learning environment.


CaixaForum Madrid’s commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility is reflected in all its dimensions. The center has implemented measures to reduce energy and water consumption and manage your waste in an exemplary manner, creating responsible patterns of consumption both in its facilities and in the activities it designs. Exhibitions often deal with issues of environmental and social awareness, and the center carries out initiatives aimed at promoting reflection and action in these areas.

At the corporate level, CaixaForum Madrid is a model in terms of CSR strategy, integrating ethical principles into its business strategy and daily operations. This integration shows its commitment not only to the cultural environment, but also to social and environmental well-being in general. The institution carries out projects ranging from promoting gender equality to supporting social innovation and community engagement.


In the context of a constantly changing world and global challenges, CaixaForum Madrid does not retreat to its past successes. The institution is constantly trying to renew and respond to current challenges. The Center is currently exploring ways to adapt to digital transformation, ensuring the virtual availability of its collections and activities for those who cannot physically visit the space. In addition, it recognizes the importance of continuing to be a relevant actor in cultural dialogue at the global level and constantly strives to expand its reach and international participation.

As part of its vision for the future, CaixaForum Madrid also emphasizes strengthening its role as an incubator of cultural innovation. It seeks to be not only a place to exhibit art, but also to generate knowledge and to debate the ideas that will determine the direction of human development in a time of rapid and profound transformations. The task is to be a reference in questioning the boundaries of art and its role in the society of tomorrow, without losing sight of its mission to be accessible and relevant to all sections of the public.

Continuity in its commitment to excellence, innovation and social impact are the pillars on which CaixaForum Madrid wants to build its future, a future it envisions with optimism and determination. The center won its place at the forefront not only of the artistic and cultural scene Madridbut from the world.

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