The New Industry 4.0 – El Diario Santiago

Author: Andrés Leiva,

CEO of Videsk

Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, has marked a significant milestone in the business world by promoting technological development and digital transformation, which can be seen in the latest trends such as robotics, Big Data, Cloud Computing, autonomous systems, the Internet of Things (IoT ) and famous artificial intelligence.

This fourth industrial revolution is preceded by the first, where the steam engine was developed. The second was marked by the development of massive industrial production lines and the third by the implementation of basic robotics in production systems.

4.0 has allowed technology to grow by leaps and bounds and merge with each other to create innovative models that combine advanced robotics with massive data analytics, among other things, to enable self-determination. All this thanks to the fact that digital interactions have a much higher capacity than face-to-face interactions to gather information and optimize the operating models of various business areas.

Although this trend has resulted in the boundaries between some industries becoming increasingly blurred due to the implementation of technology in areas of human development such as manufacturing, banking and transportation, among others due to the fact that people today are constantly interacting with technology and not only through mobile phones , tablets or computers, but also through various mobile devices such as home appliances or the increasingly used wearable devices.

Technologies are combined with or replacing business productivity or analytical processes with a major impact on scalability, reduction of human error, and data-driven decision-making. As a result, some jobs have disappeared or mutated, requiring new skills or technical knowledge.

Companies are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities in which the transformation of jobs is evident as some roles disappear while others emerge, requiring new skills and knowledge. Adaptability is becoming the key to business success and the ability to anticipate and embrace innovation will determine survival.

Innovation is becoming a necessity for companies in various fields, not only because of the economic benefits they can bring, but also because of their sustainability development. This keeps companies in constant search for new solutions and creates a symbiotic relationship with the technology environment as partners, startups, leaders and collaborators.

Business communication is also undergoing a metamorphosis. From customer service to marketing strategies, digital transformation is redefining how companies connect with their audiences. Legacy call centers are evolving towards digital tools and channels that improve the customer experience and use data analytics to personalize interactions.

Another area affected by this revolution is the education system, as the creation of new professions and the transformation of skills require an agile response from educational institutions, where adaptability and the ability to offer programs that address the demands are imperative. market.

The future of business also requires a collaborative mentality where startups, leaders in technology and rapid adaptability are ideal partners for traditional companies. The speed of change and the anticipation of new trends are now critical success factors.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is therefore not just a technological transition; but the paradigm shift that redefines how we live and work requires not only technical skills but also a mindset open to adaptability and collaboration. Companies and companies that have accepted this challenge have emerged not only as survivors, but as leaders of a new industrial era. The key is not only to face change, but to actively embrace and shape it.

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive president of the World Economic Forum, stated: “In the new world, big fish don’t eat small fish, but fast fish eat slow fish.

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