The main trends in real estate investment in 2024 – Benoit Properties

In a rapidly evolving real estate market, the key to successful investing lies in anticipating trends that are likely to affect your investment in the short and long term.

With this in mind, we analyze the main trends that will determine real estate investments in 2024.

Sustainability in the spotlight

Sustainability is at the forefront of real estate trends at all levels. From major regeneration projects aimed at creating more sustainable communities to upgrading private homes by incorporating features such as solar panels and new insulation, there is real investment in making homes more energy efficient. New buildings include green building practices, energy efficient designs and environmental aspects as standard.

This trend is not limited to new construction; Existing properties are also being upgraded to meet environmental standards. While plans to require rental properties to have an EPC rating of ‘C’ or higher by 2028 have been dropped, landlords remain committed to improving energy efficiency in their rental properties as it improves the tenant experience and adds value in the long term. to its properties.

The trend towards sustainability reflects not only environmental awareness, but also the potential for long-term savings and a greener future.

Flexible work

Increasing workforce flexibility is one of the main factors changing the real estate market.

Investors are now exploring new locations and modifying properties to meet the needs of a workforce that increasingly values ​​the ability to work from anywhere. This shift towards even hybrid workflows means property owners can increasingly explore new horizons when investing, looking beyond city centers and suburbs or even to new countries.

In addition, tenants are potentially looking for more living space to work from home. This includes integrating workspaces into short-term rental properties like Airbnb that cater to the needs of remote workers. This change offers real estate investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and gain access to new market segments.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we analyze real estate trends and invest. Artificial intelligence tools are used to predict market trends, assess real estate values, and even identify optimal locations for investment. This technology allows investors to make more informed decisions, but also presents new challenges in terms of data accuracy and the need to understand AI-based analytics.

Diversified property types

Investors are increasingly trying to diversify their portfolios by investing in different types of real estate. This includes specialist housing, managed flats and student accommodation.

This diversification helps mitigate risk and can lead to stronger investment portfolios. It also allows investors to take advantage of different market dynamics and rental demand.

Spreading the risk between different locations

In 2024, the importance of geographic boundaries in real estate investment continues to decline. Investors spread their risk between national and international markets.

Emerging markets are proving to be particularly attractive as they offer the potential for further growth. However, investing in these markets requires a deep understanding of local geopolitical dynamics and a solid risk management strategy.

In 2024, the key to thriving in the rapidly changing real estate market will always be the ability to adapt to changing trends. For those looking to innovate and diversify, real estate investment opportunities not only continue, but expand, offering new avenues for growth and success in an increasingly connected world.

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