Safe buying in the well: 8 keys to choosing a reliable developer

He real estate market Argentina continues to be fertile ground for investment, and one of the most interesting options is the purchase of well-developed real estate. However, this process is not without problems, and to ensure a safe purchase it is necessary to evaluate whether the developer fulfills his promises and obligations.

Some important keys to making informed decisions in this competitive market are:

1. Research for developers: Before making any decision, it is essential to thoroughly research the company behind the project. Explore their history and reputation in the Argentine real estate market. Reviews from other buyers and a company’s past experience are valuable clues about its reliability.

2. Authorization verification: Make sure the developer has all the necessary building permits. Also check that the land is registered in the developer’s name, which indicates legality.

3. Contract and documentation: Read the purchase and sale agreement carefully. Make sure the contract clearly states the price, terms, delivery date and any special conditions. If in doubt, consult a real estate attorney.

4. Compliance History: Investigate whether the developer has fulfilled his previous projects in terms of quality, delivery times and other commitments. You can get testimonials from other buyers or search for online reviews.

5. Land inspection, work progress and showroom: If possible, schedule a site visit to monitor the progress of the work. This will give you an idea of ​​the quality of the construction and the progress of the project, as well as the promised equipment. It is also important to request a visit to the showroom where you can view a model of the unit to see the finishes of the unit first hand.

6. Termination Clauses: Make sure the contract includes clauses that allow you to terminate the contract in the event of non-compliance by the developer, with a guarantee of a return on your investment.

7. Open communication: Maintain a constant dialogue with the developer. Ask questions, get regular updates and be informed about all changes in the project. That during the construction process you can stay in touch with the architectural team to see the details of your unit and know the status of the work. On the other hand, they have an after sales team that will give you feedback once you receive the unit.

8. Unit price: When considering the purchase of real estate, consideration of the unit price is essential. First of all, the construction phase should be examined, as buying in the initial stages is different from buying a finished unit. In addition, it is essential to examine the finishes and materials, as a delivery without certain features can make the unit, even if the value is obviously higher, less economical when considering the investment necessary to occupy it. For example: it is not the same to deliver a line without floors or cabinet furniture in the kitchen than an apartment that is also delivered with mirrors with LED backlighting in the bathrooms, inverter air conditioning and garden treatments on the balconies.

Buying a property for a well is a significant investment, and to be on the safe side, it’s essential to do your due diligence and demand transparency from the developer. The work performed, its history and the opinions of clients are the most valuable references when making decisions.

Marketing graduate, partner and director of Group 8.66.

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