Professional future: technology and the Internet are waiting for you!

Digital technology is therefore a growing industry that offers many career opportunities. Do you dream of an exciting professional future? Technology and the Internet are waiting for you!

Why pursue cyber security?

Companies today face many cyber threats such as: phishing, ransomware, smishing (SMS phishing), computer and mobile malware, security breach attacks (WordPress, Windows, Apple, etc.), espionage and computer sabotage. These cyber attacks can lead to the loss of confidential data or significant financial damages.

Do a cyber security school it is therefore an excellent choice because public structures, associations and companies are more than in need professionals capable of ensuring their IT security. In 2022, more than 15,000 positions were to be filled in this sector in France.

Therefore, cyber security offers a dynamic job market due to the demand and talent shortage. By retraining or training in this sector, you have a good chance of finding a well-paid, stable job with the prospect of advancement. In addition, cyber security offers many professions to make a career.

You can become a cryptologist, information systems manager, cyber consultant, ethical hacker, pentester, cyber security engineer, cyber security expert or cyber security analyst. Cyber ​​security training will also enable you to become a cyber security auditor, network and security IT system administrator or even a data protection delegate.

Cybercriminals are constantly improving their technology and touch screens. This makes cybersecurity an evolving field and creates a dynamic professional environment. Finally, cyber security professions are open to all types of profiles. Whatever your level, you can train or retrain in this field to build your career.

Get interested in robotics

GPS, kitchen robots, connected watches, robots are increasingly present in everyday and professional life and will probably become even more prevalent in the future.

Today they are used in all sectors: military, medicine, industry… They are really very useful smart devices for performing tasks that require high speed, high level of precision and patience. They can vacuum dust, make a car or go to a place inaccessible to humans (for example, to a volcano).

Robotics is therefore a flourishing discipline that offers unique perspectives. It actually refers to a set of techniques used to design and build robotic machines. It brings together many industries such as electronics, IT and mechanics.

Training in robotics opens the door to careers in mechatronic robotics and embedded computer-oriented robotics. With a specialization in mechatronics, you can fill the following positions: mechatronics engineer, software engineer, electronic engineer, electronic designer or systems engineer.

There are also many careers in robotics focused on embedded computers. You can become an engineer in automotive, home automation, robotics, embedded computers or embedded electronics.

You can also fill the following positions: system integration manager, a qualification and validation specialist, an expert architect of embedded applications or even an embedded software developer. Well-trained robotics specialists can provide good remuneration. Salaries generally range between €33,500 and €47,500 per year.

What different aspects of AI might interest you?

Artificial intelligence is very developed today. It affects many aspects of our daily lives. It’s there when you’re using your social networks and guides you when you search Google or launch any type of navigation assistance system.

AI can also optimize your electricity consumption or regulate the temperature in your home. Soon, it could even drive your car for you. But luckily, AI doesn’t work on its own just yet. Setting up automated tools requires a human. Artificial intelligence is therefore the sector of the future which you can turn to. It provides access to many promising features full of potential.

Chief Data Officer is one of the jobs you can do in this field. Essentially, it involves ensuring that the company collects, stores and manages data efficiently and in compliance with regulations.

You can also become a cognitive scientist or an engineer specializing in cognitive science. This professional is responsible for customizing computer systems for users to improve performance, convenience, and optimize security.

You can also become an AI developer and build machine learning systems. It is also possible to hold the position of AI ethics manager or supervisor. An AI ethicist is responsible for ensuring that AI systems are developed and used responsibly.

You can also hold a position financial analyst specializing in AI, Data Miner, Linguistic Programmer or Chatbot Project Manager. There is a big shortage of specialists in AI professions. So you will be able to build a solid career and earn an attractive salary if you have the required qualifications in the field.

Become a web design pro!

An unknown web designer 10 years ago is today a major player on the Internet. It is responsible for providing practical solutions to the website’s communication needs.

Takes care of creating an ergonomic and pleasant interfacebut also the prioritization of information that will allow Internet users to better understand the messages transmitted by companies or organizations.

Web design professional is a highly sought-after profile with the development of multimedia communication. This profession is usually performed on a freelance basis.

With reputation and talent, you can get lucrative contracts. You can also be hired by a company like a senior web designer for a gross monthly salary of 1,900 euros. Over time, you can move up to Senior Web Designer, Project Manager, Publisher, or even Creative Director and Art Director. The salary also increases as you progress in your career.

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