MEB will send 850 students abroad with scholarships for postgraduate education

As part of the Selection and Placement of Candidates Abroad for Postgraduate Education (YLSY) 2023, 529 university students will be sent abroad on behalf of 81 universities and 321 students on behalf of 27 different public institutions.

Students will be able to study in 69 different countries under 2023 YLSY.

In this context, the total number of students the Ministry will send abroad for postgraduate education on scholarship is 850.

Under YLSY 2023, scholarships will be awarded in 430 different fields of postgraduate education. Among them, some of the areas to be awarded scholarships were identified as follows:

“Country/Regional Studies, Architecture, Special Education, Psychology, Sustainable Environment, Earthquake Studies, Cybersecurity, Data Science and Cloud Computing, Smart Energy Systems, Smart and Innovative Materials, Migration and Immigrant Studies, Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Technologies, Electric and hybrid vehicles, artificial intelligence and machine learning, software engineering, advanced robotics and mechatronics, energy storage and energy efficiency, climate change, defense technology, clinical pharmacy, molecular pharmacology and drug research, blockchain technology, nuclear power, cyber security/cryptology , open source software, cloud computing.”


Within YLSY, a total of 47 quotas were opened in the area of ​​country-region studies, of which 9 were for public institutions and 38 were for universities.

In this field, these are mainly African studies, Balkan studies, Latin American studies, Indian studies, Asia-Pacific studies, European studies, Chinese studies, East Asian studies, Armenian studies, South Asian studies, Georgian studies, Scandinavian studies, Spanish, Middle East Quotas were opened in in the fields of Far Eastern studies.


On the other hand, within the 2023 YLSY, National Education 35 quotas were opened for the ministry. Accordingly, new technologies in education, artificial intelligence education, philosophy of education, statistics, special education, instructional technology, and material development and adult education are some of the fields that can be studied abroad.

Candidates who successfully complete their doctoral studies will be appointed to the position of National Pedagogical Specialist.


The YLSY application requirements are as follows:

“To be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, to have at least a bachelor’s degree, to have a bachelor’s graduation grade of at least 2.50 out of 4, to meet the age requirement in the annually announced guidelines, to obtain at least 75 points from the ALES, to have completed a university education or public service during the period of university education or public service that is more severe than a reprimand.” received no disciplinary action.”

Applications will be accepted through the Department’s Official Bursary System (REBUS) until 29 December.

Candidates will be able to apply based on their valid ALES score and undergraduate score. A maximum of three times the announced quota will be invited to the oral examination based on the predominance of the YLSY application score, which is calculated by taking 40 percent of the ALES score and 20 percent of the undergraduate degree.

Applicants will not be allowed to take an oral exam from more than one graduate education group and will only be allowed to take the exam of the graduate education group for which they are invited to take an oral exam based on their ALES score and graduation grade.

No foreign language is required at the first stage of the scholarship application. However, after the scholarship is awarded, students who do not have sufficient foreign language scores can study foreign languages ​​at home and abroad to obtain a foreign language score that will allow them to be admitted to universities abroad, and all costs of this education are covered by the Ministry of Education.


Applicants, up to three times the announced quota, will be invited to the oral examination for the Graduate Education Group, according to their preference and point advantage, with 40 percent of the ALES or written test score and 20 percent of the point evaluation being taken into account. undergraduate graduation grade point average.

During the oral examination, the candidates will be evaluated by the oral examination committee in terms of the level of knowledge of the subject, understanding and summarizing the subject, expressive and reasoning skills, communication skills, self-confidence and persuasiveness, openness to scientific and technological development and suitability for academic studies.

Each applicant will be individually assigned a number of points out of 100 by the chairman and members of the commission, and the arithmetic average of the points will form the oral exam score.


Candidates with a YLSY placement score of 70 or higher, determined by calculating 40 percent of the ALES score, 40 percent of the oral exam score, and 20 percent of the undergraduate degree after the oral exam, will be eligible for institution selection.

Institutional selection procedures will be conducted through REBUS and candidates will be allocated to institutional quotas in accordance with their preferences based on their YLSY placement scores.

Candidates who are eligible to be included in the quota of the institution will be eligible for the official scholarships after submitting the documents required by the Ministry in full.

Within YLSY, students will be able to study at the master’s and doctoral degrees. Without an extension of time, a deadline of one year will be set for language teaching, a maximum of 2 years for master’s studies and a maximum of 4 years for doctoral studies. However, this may vary depending on the education systems and functioning of individual countries.

Students who successfully complete their education will be required to pay compulsory service in the institutions in which they studied for the duration of their studies in the country and twice as long as for the duration of their studies abroad.


On the other hand, in the years 1929-2002, 9 thousand 540 students received a YLSY scholarship, and in the years 2002-2022, 11 thousand 943 students received postgraduate education abroad.

Currently, 3,201 students studying in 47 different countries, mainly in England, the United States, Germany and the Netherlands, are using the Ministry of Education scholarship.

The budget set aside by the Ministry for master’s and doctoral education with official scholarship status has increased approximately 10 times over the past 10 years, reaching 2 billion 210 million lire.

YLSY covers financial support provided to students in many items such as school fees, monthly stipends, medical expenses, transportation costs, foreign language exam fees and stationery.

While the amount of scholarships is paid 3 thousand 100 lira per month for the duration of the language education in the country, it varies according to the countries where the students study abroad.

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