Retirement pension, Christmas bonus, social assistance… Payment calendar in January

Several social supports, bonuses or pensions are paid to beneficiaries at the beginning of the month, but each organization has its own schedule. Here’s a recap from MoneyVox.

Old age pensions will be revalued by 5.3% on January 1, 2024.. For example, the basic net income of 1470 euros per month will increase to 1548 euros net. However, this increased basic pension will not be paid until the beginning of February. So when will pensions be paid in January? MoneyVox lists the payment dates in January that apply to you.

Social support

The Family Allowance Fund (Caf) pays support to banking institutions on the 5th of each month…unless the 5th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, which delays the payment. Good News, in January, the 5th falls on a Friday! Crediting the amount to the bank account specified with the organization then takes 3 days.

ČAF distributes housing assistance (personalized housing assistance or APL, family housing assistance, social housing assistance), financial and social assistance (active solidarity income or RSA, allowance for disabled adults or AAH, activity bonus, etc.), early childhood and child care assistance (family allowances, family allowance, education allowance for disabled children, family support allowance, back-to-school childcare allowance and alimony) and childbirth assistance (PAJE and adoption bonus).

RSA, AAH, APL… Here are 3 dates when CAF transfers will be delayed until 2024

Christmas bonus…in January

If you didn’t receive your Christmas bonus in December, all is not lost. Towards the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), but also depending on the case from the Mutualit sociale agricole (MSA) or Ple emploi, the increase of the minimum amount of 152.45 euros will be around January to the new one beneficiaries of the month of Decemberwhich is an incentive for extraordinary support this year for single-parent families.

The exact date the payment is likely to be mid Januarynot communicated by Caf.

Christmas bonus 2023 for RSA recipients (bonus paid by CAF)
WHO? Few Free
Without children 228.67 152.45
1 child 274.41 308.72
2 children 320.14 370.45
3 children 381.13 452.78
4 children 442.11 535.10
For another child +60.98 +82.32

* Exceptionally, in 2023, the amounts paid to single parents with children will increase by 35%. This is support for single-parent families.

Christmas bonus 2023: good news for 660,000 families, here are the increased rates

To remind, for single-parent families who receive this bonus through Ple Emploiyou must take the step to apply for an extraordinary supplement for 2023.

Christmas bonus 2023, through Ple Emploi: supplement for single-parent families
WHO? Surcharge amount
(except 152.45 dj verss)
1 dependent child 53.36
2 children 80.04
3 children 96.04
4 children 117.39
For another child + 21.34

Can I have a Christmas bonus if I get a CAF and APL activity bonus?

Invest into Best Price Scholarship ! 7 offers compared

Pension, scholarship and unemployment

Pension side, the basic pension is traditionally paid on the 9th of each month. In January, according to the pension insurance website, it will be Tuesday 9 January 2024: the pension paid on 9 January will be calculated for the month of December 2023 and therefore will not yet be subject to revaluation. To supplement former private sector employees, Agirc-Arrcopayment will be made on Tuesday, January 2.

To receive unemployment benefits you pay Ple emploi, you must update your professional situation every month. Your income payment date will depend on this approach. For the month of January, for example the update runs from January 28 to February 15. The transfer of my monthly allowance is sent to my bank within 3 working days on average and 5 working days at the latest, according to Ple emploi.

Pleemploi: these new rules that threaten the unemployed in 2024

Scholarships finally awarded studentswhich are spread over 10 monthly payments, will be paid on Friday, January 5 by Crous.

Income tax: advance for credits and discounts

Since 2019, the financial authorities have played Santa Claus for almost 9 million households shortly after the New Year. If you are used to using a tax deduction for donations to charities, for rental investments or tax credit for home employment or child care, you are certainly used to collecting this transfer from the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) in mid-January. Average value last year: 624 euros, equivalent 60% of the usual amount of tax credits and rebates concerned taxpayers.

Credits and tax credits Average annual benefit amount * Average deposit amount ** Number of recipients
Donations to works (tax reduction) 384 132 3.3 million
Donations to people in need (tax reduction) 236 1.9 million
Union fees (tax credit) 113 54 1.3 million
Home employment (tax credit) 1201 633 4.5 million
Child care costs (tax credit) 683 370 1.9 million
Hospitality costs in nursing homes (tax reduction) 1178 (costs related to dependency) 391 230,000
Investment for rent (tax reduction) 4012 (Reduction Pinel) 2380 310,000
Total advance, all devices combined 624 9 million

* Average credits and rebates paid in 2022 for expenditures made in 2021.
** 2019 averages excluding total amount (2023 average)
Source: DGFiP

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